Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Interview Experience and Making Presentations Research Paper

Interview Experience and Making Presentations - Research Paper Example The process of doing a job interview is regarded as one of the most critical processes in job search. People engage in interviews with ultimate caution, and this translates into a nervous breakdown at times. Interview processes are also done for other issues but job interviews top the list in my most memorable engagements. My first encounter with such a practice was successful due to certain aspects. I went for the job interview with high hopes but I was also extremely cautious not to end up unsuccessful. My application targeted the post of a data entry clerk in a research firm. It was my first part-time job search, and it was extremely significant to me. Basically, the interview embodied a strategic conversation that stemmed out of purpose. My goals included proving to the prospective employer that I certainly had the skills, background, and the relevant ability required for the job. These qualities help an individual in assuring the employer that she/he can fully fit into the compa ny and its core culture (Allen, 2011). My experience was quite challenging, but the results were impressive since I was accepted into the company. I answered the questions comfortably and portrayed other personality attributes that were instrumental. Exemplary interpersonal and communication skills were evident, as well as confidence and enthusiasm among others. The interview was successful due to the fact that I was able to answer the questions in the best way. This can be attributed to the issue of merit, but it was also influenced by extensive research about the company. I carried out some research about the company prior to the interview; thus, I had relevant knowledge on the interviewer’s expectations. I may comfortably state that this was the biggest reason as to why I got employed. However, it is pertinent to note that other issues also contributed towards the achievement. This can be exemplified by my ability to volunteer crucial personal information about my strength s and weaknesses also enhanced my quest. B. Describe an interview you have had (or know about) that did not go well. Speculate as to what went wrong. Explain how the interview could have been successful. My second experience was also a job interview and it characterized most aspects that relate to such practices. In this case, I was also targeting a part time job in a manufacturing company during the holidays. I was confident that I would be successful since I had already participated in a similar exercise in the past. The professional part of the conversation was evident, and I managed to convince the interviewer that I had great interest in a supervisor’s job. I proved to the interviewer that I was the right person for the job through my intense knowledge of the company. This knowledge resulted from research about the company and general knowledge obtained from previous stints in school. My dress code depicted the image of a successful and ambitious person, and it unequivoc ally propelled my chances to greater heights. I answered the questions in the best way possible and maintained my composure throughout the interview. However, there are aspects that I failed to consider during the interview, and they specifically led to complications and disqualification in the long run. There was no doubt that I did merit for the job, but these smaller aspects that I failed to observe changed the entire scene. Apparently, a successful interviewee should not mention the weaknesses of his/her previous employer (Donald, 2002). After my first part time job I had problems with my former employer concerning salary issues. During my second interview, I raised these issues hoping that my prospective employer would consider my

Monday, October 28, 2019

Analyzing the Polluter Pays Principle Through Law and Economics Essay Example for Free

Analyzing the Polluter Pays Principle Through Law and Economics Essay The ‘polluter pays principle’ states that whoever is responsible for damage to the environment should bear the costs associated with it. The Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) is one of the internationally recognized principles that in? uence the shaping of environmental policy at both the national and international level. As one of the environmental principles that have developed ‘from political slogans to legal rules,’ it is also increasingly re? ected in national and international law. It is seen and analyzed both as a principle of environmental economics and as a principle of environmental law. In environmental economics, it is discussed as an ef? ciency principle of internalization of environmental costs. As a legal principle, it is usually treated as a principle for the allocation of the cost of pollution prevention, and for liability and compensation for environmental damage. In general, it is regarded as an important and ‘right’ principle in the perspective of environmental protection. It is often mentioned together with other major environmental principles such as the precautionary principle, the principle of prevention and the principle of integration. In general, it is regarded as an important and ‘right’ principle in the perspective of environmental protection. It is often mentioned together with other major environmental principles such as the precautionary principle, the principle of prevention and the principle of integration. The â€Å"polluter pays principle† (PPP or principle) requires the polluter to bear the expense of preventing, controlling, and cleaning up pollution. Its main goals are cost allocation and cost internalization. In 1972, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) articulated the principle explicitly and in 1989 indicated that it should be applied to agriculture. Though the principle originated as an economic principle, since 1990 it has been recognized internationally as a legal principle. The PPP now plays an important role in national and international environmental policy. The European Community (EC) adopted the principle in the 1987 Single European Act, and it has appeared in international agreements, including the Rio Declaration of 1992. The principle is an explicit part of legislation in some nations; in others, it is an implicit subtext for both environmental regulation and liability for pollution. Historical Evolution Of Polluter Pays Principle The polluter pays principle, like the other great towering principles that today influence international environmental law, such as: (1) the sustainable development principle; (2) the prevention principle; (3) the precautionary principle; and (4) the proximity principle, started as a political declaration without legal force. The polluter pays principle has been included in documents with legal status. For instance, many modern constitutions in the European Union explicitly provide for a right to a clean environment and thus environmental policy principles also constitute environmental law. The right to a clean environment implies a duty of the state to protect its citizens, but it is questionable whether these principles or social rights can yet be considered subjective rights, meaning that they can be enforced by citizens in a court. However, some see the right to a clean environment as a human or natural right existing independently of politically decided treaties. Finally, the polluter pays principles is now seen in specific pieces of legislation becoming more (or some might say ‘less’) than a grand constitutional statement of an intractable human right. OECD – the birth of the polluter pays principle Some explanation of the sometimes arbitrary course of the principle of polluter pays can be found in its historical development. The principle first appeared in a legal context in a document prepared by the international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (â€Å"OECD†) and included the following recommendation: â€Å"The principle to be used for allocating costs of pollution prevention and control measures to encourage rational use of scarce environmental resources and to avoid distortions in international trade and investment is the so-called ‘Polluter Pays principle’. This principle means that the polluter should bear the expenses of carrying out the above mentioned measures decided by public authorities to ensure that the environment is in an acceptable state. In other words, the cost of these measures should be reflected in the costs of goods and services which cause pollution in production and/or consumption. Such measures should not be accompanied by subsidies that would create significant distortions in international trade and investment†. In 2001, the OECD Joint Working Party on Agriculture and Environment, after years of gestation and development by other organisations, stated that a new and expanded form of the polluter pays principle should provide that: the polluter should be held responsible for environmental damage caused and bear the expenses of carrying out pollution prevention measures or paying for damaging the state of the environment where the consumptive or productive activities causing the environmental damage are not covered by property rights. United Nations – the Rio Declaration This proclamation was proved, at least on paper, if not yet by jus cogens, in 1992 when the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development delegates agreed on the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (the â€Å"Rio Declaration†), which has been described as an â€Å"instrument of international jurisprudence [that] articulates policies and prescriptions directed at the achievement of worl dwide sustainable development†. It is of note that Principle 16 of the Rio Declaration provides that: â€Å"[n]ational authorities should endeavour to promote the internalization of environmental costs and the use of economic instruments, taking into account the approach that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, with due regard to the public interest and without distorting international trade and investment†. The principle’s appearance in such a seminal statement of the undamental principles of international environmental law demonstrates its significance in environmental liability regimes around the world. United States The principle has to some extent informed United States’ legislation, but its influence should not be overstated and commentators note that: â€Å"The United States, in contrast to the European nations, does not officially recognize the [polluter pays principle] as a distinct principle or policy mandate, but does, by natural political and economic inc lination, closely follow its precepts in practice†. Certain provisions of the United States’ Clean Air Act 1970 (the â€Å"CAA†) and Clean Water Act 1977 (the â€Å"CWA†) require polluters to satisfy environmental standards at their own expense; and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (â€Å"CERCLA†) assigns liability for costs associated with cleaning-up sites contaminated by hazardous wastes. CERCLA is a notable milestone in the development of the polluter pays principle in the United States and commentators have noted that: â€Å"the polluter pays principle is one of the central objectives or goals of CERCLA†. Flaws in the Polluter Pays Principle Few people could disagree with what seems at first glance to be such a straightforward proposition. Indeed, properly construed, this is not only a sound principle for dealing with those who pollute but is an extension of one of the most basic principles of fairness and justice: people should be held responsible for their actions. Those who cause damage or harm to other people should pay for that damage. This appeal to our sense of justice is why the polluter pays principle (PPP) has come to resonate so strongly with both policy makers and the public. As a general rule, sound economic analysis of pollution and environmental problems must also be based on the principle of responsibility. Forcing polluters to bear the costs of their activities is good economics too; it not only advances fairness and justice, but also enhances economic efficiency. In other words, with appropriate policies based on a PPP, we should not have to give up the economic efficiency of a free market system based on private property in order to obtain environmental protection, nor vice versa. But as with most such general principles, the devil is in the details. In this case, the details relate to three basic questions that any application of the PPP must answer. First, how do we define pollution and therefore a polluter? Second, how much should the polluter pay, once he is identified? Third, to whom should the payment be made? The answers to these questions are at the heart of whether any application of the PPP will be either just or economically efficient. A correctly construed polluter pays principle would penalize those who injure other people by harming their persons, or by degrading their property. Too often, however, the PPP is misdefined and misused to suppress private economic activity that benefits the parties directly involved and does no specific damage to other people, but which offends those who oppose human impact on the environment and prefer to leave resources undeveloped. The objective is to restrain the resource use at the expense of the property owners and consumers without cost to those who wish to see the resources remain idle. Under such a misapplication of the PPP, very often a polluter is not someone who is harming others, but is someone who is simply using his own property and resources in a way that is not approved of by government officials or environmentalists. In such cases there is no harm to be measured and no real victims to compensate. Consequently, the amount to be paid is not determined by the extent of any actual damage done. Rather, it is set at a level that curbs the politically disfavored activity to the degree desired by its opponents. And finally, the payment (whether there are real victims or not) typically goes to the government in the form of a tax. In other words, in most cases, the PPP is used as cover to promote a political or ideological agenda rather than to ensure that real polluters pay compensation to real victims of their activities. Constitutional and Legislative Measures Stockholm Declaration of 1972 was perhaps the first major attempt to conserve and protect the human environment at the international level. As a consequence of this Declaration, the States were required to adopt legislative measures to protect and improve the environment. Accordingly, Indian Parliament inserted two Articles, i. e. ,, 48A and 51A in the Constitution of India in 1976, Article 48A of the Constitution rightly directs that the State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and safeguard forests and wildlife of the country. Similarly, clause (g) of Article 51A imposes a duty on every citizen of India, to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, river, and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures. The cumulative effect of Articles 48A and 51A (g) seems to be that the State as well as the citizens both are now under constitutional obligation to conserve, perceive, protect and improve the environment. Every generation owes a duty to all succeeding generations to develop and conserve the natural resources of the nation in the best possible way. The phrase ‘protect and improve’ appearing in both the Articles 48A and 51A (g) seems to contemplate an affirmative government action to improve the quality of environment and not just to preserve the environment in its degraded form. Apart from the constitutional mandate to protect and improve the environment, there are a plenty of legislations on the subject but more relevant enactments for our purpose are the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977; the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981; the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986; Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991; the National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995 and the National Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997; the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972; the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. The Water Act provides for the prevention and control of water pollution and the maintaining or resorting of the wholesomeness of water. The Act prohibits any poisonous, noxious or polluting matter from entering into any stream or well. The Act provides for the formation of Central Pollution Control Board and the State Pollution Control Board. The new industries are required to obtain prior approval of such Boards before discharging any trade effluent, sewages into water bodies. No person, without the previous consent of the Boards shall bring into use new or altered outlet for the discharge of sewage or trade effluent into a stream or well or sewer or on land. The consent of the Boards shall also be required for continuing an existing discharge of sewage or trade effluent into a stream or well or sewer or land. In the Ganga Water Pollution case, the owners of some tanneries near Kanpur were discharging their effluents from their factories in Ganga without setting up primary treatment plants. The Supreme Court held that the financial capacity of the tanneries should be considered as irrelevant while requiring them to establish primary treatment plants. The Court directed to stop the running of these tanneries and also not to let out trade effluents from the tanneries either directly or indirectly into the river Ganga without subjecting the trade effluents to a permanent process by setting up primary treatment plants as approved by the State Pollution Control Board. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 aims to provide levy and collection of a cess on water consumed by persons carrying certain industries and local authorities to augment the resources of the Central Board and the State Boards constituted for the prevention and control of water pollution. The object is to realise money from those whose activities lead to pollution and who must bear the expenses of the maintaining and running of such Boards. The industries may obtain a rebate as to the extent of 25% if they set up treatment plant of sewage or trade effluent. The Air Act has been designed to prevent, control and abatement of air pollution. The major sources of air pollution are industries, automobiles, domestic fires, etc. The air pollution adversely affects heart and lung and reacts with hemoglobin in the blood. According to Roggar Mustress, the American Scientist, air pollution causes mental tension which leads to increase in crimes in the society. The Air Act defines an air pollutant as any solid, liquid or gaseous substance including noise present in the atmosphere in such concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to human beings or other living creatures or plants or property or environment. The Act provides that no person shall without the previous consent of the State Board establish or operate any industrial plant in an air-pollution control area. The Central Pollution Control Board and the State Pollution Control Board constituted under the Water Act shall also perform the power and functions under the Air Act. The main function of the Boards under the Air Act is to improve the quality of air and to prevent, control and abate air pollution in the country. The permission granted by the Board may be conditional one wherein stipulations are made in respect of raising of stack height and to provide various control equipments and monitoring equipments. It is expressly provided that persons carrying on industry shall not allow emission of air pollutant in excess of standards laid down by the Board. In Delhi, the public transport system including buses and taxies are operating on a single fuel CNG mode on the directions given by the Supreme Court. Initially, there was a lot of resistance from bus and taxi operators. But now they themselves realise that the use of CNG is not only environment friendly but also economical. Noise has been taken as air pollutant within the meaning of Air Act. Sound becomes noise when it causes annoyance or irritates. There are many sources of noise pollution like factories, vehicles, reckless use of loudspeakers in marriages, religious ceremonies, religious places, etc. Use of crackers on festivals, winning of teams in the games, and other such occasions causes not only noise pollution but also air pollution. The Air Act prevents and controls both these pollutions. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 was enacted to provide for the protection and improvement of the quality of environment and preventing, controlling and abating environmental pollution. The Act came into existence as a direct consequence of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. The term environment’ has been defined to include water, air and land, and the inter-relationship which exists among and between water, air and land and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Its All Downhill :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

It's All Downhill From Here 8:02 a.m. Saturday. It's still dark, as usual, on these cold, winter days. Everybody else is still sleeping and enjoying the comfprting heat of their beds. I crack open the locked window by my bed, an act some deemed downright idiotic. I strip off my pj's, throw on my robe, and head for the shower. Drying off, I think about where I am abou to go. I dress piece by layered piece. I can't wait to hit the slopes! I round up my tools: body, boards, boots, bindings. Everything is in working order and ready for take-off. As I open the front door, I am shocked by the cold and fight my way through the wind to my car. I turn the key and put the heater on full blast. I am almost there. I step out of my car and survey the parking lot. Not too many cars. That's the way I like it. I take a deep breath and savor the frsh air. Already, I can feel the pressure of deadlines lifted off my chest. I strap my skis on, and prepare not just to tackle a run but other situations in my life as well. I skate over to the first pitch of the double diamond slope, and map out where I will take the first couple turns. It is almost like I am assessing my goals in life: getting accepted into Syracuse, owning a house in Colorado, raising a healthy family. I appreciate the sound of carving the first turn as if it was my very last. The crunching of the snow under my feet empowers me to crush the antagonists in my everyday life. The second and third turns secure my self-confidence. Only with the fourth turn do I start to realize that things are not always that easy. I heard it said often, "It's easier said than done." I never believed it until now. I only skid slightly over a patch of ice, but it is enough to start my heart thumping. I am suddenly aware that to finish this run or to reach my goals, I have to be ready for the tricky spots. I know that at any moment I could fall and be forced to start over. My lifetime goals can be affected by any number of things - grades slipping, drugs and alcohol - and I have to be ready to handle anything.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

European effect on American-Indian cultures and religion in the 17th century Essay

The historical emergence of Europeans during the 17th century was synonymous to providing fundamental influence to the American- Indian and especially the New England. This was evidence of the religious rejuvenation that went across to these cultures as affected by the Europeans. Historically, the early European missionaries brought quite a broad diversity of activity in the eastern parts of North America as at 17th century. However, New England was perhaps the central point with which such influence was mostly affected. This was from the long activity of religious autonomy campaign by the European with the Puritans who wanted to make a win to the Massachusetts, Wampanoags, the Nipmucks, and also the New France. Elsewhere, the Jesuits were in their dreary efforts of making a conversion to the nation of Huron. From the encounters of evaluation promulgated from these two races of religious encounters, it is passively implied that the European missionaries had a substantial colonial influence and expansion across the broad analysis of the European colony. This also led to an influential changes in the approach mechanism in which the Europeans through the French Jesuits as well as the English Puritans undertook to ignite religious influence in India. 1 Though the religious development triggered to the New England by the Europeans in the 17th century have largely been outspoken by many scholars, Bruce Trigger came in the 18th century to reshape the phenomenal dispensation as prototyped by many old scholars. This is from the new findings in the fundamental relationship between Jesuit-Huron in the Indians of the New England. Socio-economically, New England had its settlement based on primary societal independence and families who were middle farmers. They had an adherence to a radical state of nominal accreditation where their colonial autobiography was defined by the voluntaristic Puritanism to their conceptual purposes. Historically, the seventeenth century European missionaries are credited to the creation of the more Godly community for the American Indian in New England. This is exampled by the protestation by the militant European groups in the Europe which sensitized a harmonious state of living for the people with a call for one another’s Godly relationship and in pursuit of the nature laws. 1 However, the epochs of the people embracing Christianity was never a simple activity for the Indians who disagreed of the hefty Christianity exhortations by the European missionaries. However, their will to embracing Christianity would only be subject voted by the religious development into Christianity of such ordinary people within the Indians population in England. This culture was rigidly bound to the people and that 90% of the total population in Massachusetts were largely obliged to such exemplary life led by the ordinary settlers. However, from 1616-1619, Wampanoag Indians started providing radical changes to their religious autonomy to start giving into a greater depth of the Christianity philosophies and teachings brought by the Europeans. 2 The religious divine-ship of the American-Indians in the 17th century was credited to the worshipping of animals. However, the coming in of the European missionaries in the spread of Christianity was a benchmark in support for a revolution and the long held system of religious sacrifice by the people. The conception and religious importance held on animals as their gods also implies the benchmark and the stepping-stone for the start of King Philip War in the 17th century. To the American-Indians, animals were important source religious sanctity. Accordingly, the domestication of pigs and also cattle was a big historical malady in shaping the religious outcast and the believes of the Indians in the New England by the 17th century. The effect of these domesticated animals did not only provide change in environmental conception where the other animals were hunted and killed above been moved in the forests to provide a humble environment for the pigs and also cows to adequately graze. The religious conception of these people in New England before the Europeans intervention in the 17th century was defined in parametric measures of the domesticated animals. These animals brought exorbitant changes to the land and its resource environment. Elsewhere, they had a great religious impact where the people’s minds, hearts and also their behavior changed considerably with the effect of the broad array of the effect brought by animals. Animals had a long held spiritual endowment. They provided sanctification to the people when they consumed them. However, these were traditions whose effect was to readily be uprooted by the incoming of the Europeans. Â  The American-Indians in New England by 17th century had a description of Manitou for many animals such as foxes, deer, rabbits and the bears. New England had a great religious believe and adoration in which they described the nominal deities to even take the animal forms. They therefore had various adorns to various symbolic images by certain animals or even specific animal body part. Animals had a preferential significance of power and a brim of ornamental conception which netted the religious autonomy of the Indians in the New England in 17th century. In their folklores as well as Christian cosmologies, animals had a great figuration. For example, the Christ crucifixion blood was commemorated by the red breasts of the robin. Elsewhere, bad luck was signified by crows as well as black cats. Again, the disturbing portents to the death were implied by the ravens, owls and pigeons. A change in weather was fundamentally depicted by swallows, dogs and pigs. 3 The pre-emergence of the Europeans in New England therefore was a companionate imagery of a long implied perception which was in the nature proclaimed by animals. The regular interaction with the animals by the Americans Indians was therefore allied to developing fortunes of human expectations in the correspondence of the various behavioral conceptions that were in these animals. Due to the religious implication and relationship with animals by these people, they had a greater diversity of imminent relationship with the animals than on a divine being. This is perhaps the reason behind their short run rejection of the Christianity by the European missionaries in the 17th century. The emergence of these Europeans was preaching on the believe in a divine supernatural being who was only implied through mere religious believe and adoration. To them, a believe in such a being operating beyond the framework of the physical environment was only a mythological imagery and could not act to provide such a strong religious and godly foundation to what they had on animals. To the Europeans, a great transplantation of civilization echoed in New England. This was a formal compound of change in the speech formalities of the old word, religious and also politics. The nature of the New England is historically described as getting its fundamental shape from the influence of the old world shape by the Europeans. Through their implications, civilization and renaissance which was characterized by change in the religious, political and economic backgrounds was now changing to capture more coherent status of living in New England. The emergence of Europeans in the New England was a concise drive to reformation where the ties bound by the pilgrim colonial was now to be abandoned. This was the foremost trend which fostered great sigh of changing New England primitivism. It was the impact of the shaping tool of protestant revolution hinged to the old and native European revolters that entered the New England. 8 The fatal implications of the Europeans in the England were the revolutionary landmark of renaissance which saw various structures including religious and political autonomy. The surging Europeans in New England brought a great drive of religious awakening. They highly helped to break down the ties of the effect of colonization entrenched to many godly doctrines than a fundamental pursuit of economic autonomy. The so called the English Puritans were the injecting power in which the Indians got a favorable renaissance reshaping that even provided a better room for expansion into the broad old world’s system of identity. To the Europeans, waging spiritual life to the Indians in the New England was perhaps the most important go ahead step which was even to help see the state in a changing periphery. The intention of European missionary in New England was to transplant a divine worship system of Christianity which would capture various fundamental aspects such as praying, self studying as well as struggling against various remote evil inclinations to the society. The essence of evangelism to the American-Indians was to provide new grounds of spiritual conceptions on the God’s sovereignty in which it was seen as a tool for absconding the dogmatism fed to the traditional society of the medieval traditions. The essence of been a protestant was to move as per the codes of absolute standards and sovereignty as promulgated by the will of the God and not the dogmatic apprehension of false gods held by the Indians in worshipping animals. In a light spot, the religious awakening in believe of God among these people came into growth in the mid 1630’s. This was a revolution and renaissance adjudication which was perhaps rejuvenating the traditionalism and the religious backwardness operating within the societal structures of American Indians. Basically, the European Puritans had a lot of religious conceptions to pass over to the people. At the late 1930’s the New England old world’s conceptions were now changing with the people developing a mysterious imagery and preconception of the divine God. The people were developing an essence of humanity build on will of immanent God. There was a revolution adversity in believe of such a supernatural being which even led to changing structures of the societal imagery to incorporate to a greater depth a mysterious preoccupation and believe of a wonderful God. The teaching of the puritans about God was that He was compelled of love with a low preoccupation of vengeance as well as cruelty. The teachings by the European missionaries about God were standing to develop a fundamental strength. The American-Indians grasped the immanent sovereignty of such a God which gave them a special accord providence. The basic concept that would however draw them away from the will of such a divine God was the effects of sins which were the activities done by them and went against the will of this God. The emergence of Christianity in New England was however compounded by the influence of secular concerns. The people had precepts and contributions into farming home-building, governance, practicing folks as well as trading. With the new strength of absorbing a believe in God, humans contentment through Godly pleasure was now beginning to be a precious preoccupation amongst a diverse outlay of sources of pleasure. They turned to worshipping such vengeful God with deep characteristics of personal tenderness. With the changing believe and imageries on God, the people were starting to observe other structures such as economy and also state governance as facets proclaimed by the command and will of God. This engineered revolutionary autonomy in both civil as well as civil factors within the New England. Through this outlay, the Indians started to reshape their thinking about the conception on the God’s will for the state of governance and state leadership as shadowed to strong believers. From this new development in the societal conception, the inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay had the establishment of a theocratic site for Puritans which would even help to strengthening the spread and development of Christianity within the community at a faster status. This was the first trading corporation held in England and whose administration was only alleged to specific personalities proclaimed of having a strong hood of religious authority. However in 1645, political crisis developed to subdivide the New England into two. Those who proclaimed the foundation of Christianity and those who did not. However, in a speech by Winthrop in 1645, the state religious believe was liberal and capturing two outlooks; the natural conception which was the state of the old believe of the natural god and the federal which was personal liberty of exercise his/her religious imageries. The natural liberty provided one’s choice on either well or even evil. Through this believe, one was to continue growing evil. However, the federal was a preconception aimed at creating honesty and good. 5 Analytically, the European Puritanism had two impacts of development in New England. These were both orthodoxy as well as nonconformity. The orthodoxy implication had its development throughout the whole 17th century which was a controversial development on the state of reformation to protestant. The nonconformity concept was alleged to the influence of religious development to the impact of preventing conscience liberty to think and do as people’s wishes. Generally, the emergence of the European Puritans in the New England was a crucial preoccupation which provided a yard for change in the social structures in England. The philosophical dogmatism held in the modalities of state leadership and governance, religion, economic standard was now given an important boost through the changes in the people’s conception about the divine relationship with God. Various philosophical theories of statements such as absolutism were now eroded. Accordingly, the state of governance in the state was modeled from the changing perceptions prototyped from the states of religious autonomy from the people. The New England was in a state of revolution with a model for social revolutions and compactness driving the society before outdoing the prehistoric sediments which were compounded mythologies about the state of the cosmos and the universe. Through the new gazing fundamental conceptions, the people were now developing new formalities of society governance where the society would engage in the broad governance as opposed to the role of absolutist king who dwelt in the control of the society. The state of the society was now beginning to reshape in the manner with which social contracts were now beginning in the development from their status of natural state of liberty as well as the regulation by the civil society. Therefore, European missionaries can be described as providing an elaborate tool for revolution, renaissance and changing social status in which the old world mythological conception of the society was getting a reawakening to newer and a more development conscious stakeholder-ship. The government and development structures of the New England are absolutely rooted to what Europeans did for it

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Interpret Marketing Trends and Developments Essay

The aim of this report is to determine if potential alternative hub airports to service the growing of Australasian and Pacific markets by researching and identifying considerable inroads into this large market for expanding and growing opportunities for Virgin Australia’s potential abilities Methods Used A questionnaire (Appendix 1) was distributed to students attending Metropolitan South Institute of Tafe (MSIT) as well other data conducted to research preliminary and secondary data from the Tourism Australia market profile. As well as conducting Risk Analysis from other countries in the Pacific and Australasian countries, which includes airlines and traveller statistics and performances. When undertaking the questionnaires, the data was distributed and collated by answering question on what students preferred as their haul destinations. As a result the analysis was conducted that most of the students preferred Fiji in category 1 while category 2 the students preferred Malaysia that has the highest percentage of students followed by Vietnam and Philippines as their hub destination. Students preferred its natural beauties of its countries rather that its infrastructure, and rich heritage. As well as its scenic views and luckily 23 students have travelled internationally while 4 students said they never travelled at all. From the students conducted in this questionnaire students were around 21 to 30 years old more than the rest of the respondents in this demographic. Sources Other than the questionnaire, this report did not use any other sources but analysing a risk matrix of countries whether the profile status was able to be a hub destination or not. Scope This report looks at the opinions of students attending MSIT Mt Gravatt, and investigations of countries in the Pacific and Australasian regions for strategies to conduct major airlines services. Background From this report it will be investigated by the following elements of regional analysis in Australasia and the Pacific. It will also look at the trends from the landscape of aviation analysis and the main key airlines that each countries support on using as its carrier. Demographics will also be analysed by the market performance of the country in each category and its destination ports and statistics. Establishing a performance on its international routes will be the key priority in building successful and stronger platforms for the future.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chicago Referencing †Citing a Conference Paper (Footnotes)

Chicago Referencing – Citing a Conference Paper (Footnotes) Chicago Referencing – Citing a Conference Paper (Footnotes) Conference proceedings are a great resource for students. And since academics attend conferences to discuss cutting-edge research, proceedings often include exciting new ideas. But how do you cite a conference paper? In this post, we explain this using Chicago footnote referencing. Footnote Citations In Chicago referencing, always give full publication information in the first footnote citation. For a published conference paper, this includes: n. Author’s Name, â€Å"Paper Title,† in Title of Proceedings, ed. Editor Name(s) (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page number(s) for cited section. In practice, then, the first citation of a conference paper would look like this: 1. Bill Riker, â€Å"Innovations in Seating,† in Proceedings of the Third Annual Behavioral Adaptations for Interstellar Travel Conference, ed. Jonathan Frakes (Santa Monica, CA: TNG Inc., 1987), 184. The format differs slightly for an unpublished paper (e.g., one that you saw presented in person). This is quite rare, but if you need to cite one, you need to include the following information in the first footnote: n. Author’s Name, â€Å"Paper Title† (paper presented at Name, Location and Date of Conference), page numbers (if relevant). An unpublished paper would therefore be presented like this: 2. Deanna Troi, â€Å"Feeling Change: Design Guided by Empathy† (paper presented at The International Conference of Feeling, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, June 20-22 1992, 21. For repeat citations of a paper, you can use a shortened footnote format. Bibliography The information to include in your bibliography for a conference paper is roughly the same as in the first footnote. However, there are a few differences. For a published paper, the format is: Surname, First Name. â€Å"Paper Title.† In Title of Proceedings, edited by Editor Name(s), page range. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. For an unpublished conference paper, meanwhile, the format is: Surname, First Name. â€Å"Paper Title.† Paper presented at Name, Location and Date of Conference. In practice, then, we would list a published and an unpublished conference paper as follows: Riker, Bill. â€Å"Innovations in Seating.† In Proceedings of the Third Annual Behavioral Adaptations for Interstellar Travel Conference, edited by Jonathan Frakes, 180-201. Santa Monica, CA: TNG Inc., 1987. Troi, Deanna. â€Å"Feeling Change: Design Guided by Empathy.† Paper presented at The International Conference of Feeling, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, June 20-22 1992.

Monday, October 21, 2019

About the Chilean Poet Pablo Neruda

About the Chilean Poet Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) was known as a poet and emissary of the Chilean people. During a time of social upheaval, he traveled the world as a diplomat and an exile, served as a Senator for the Chilean Communist Party, and published more than 35,000 pages of poetry in his native Spanish. In 1971, Neruda won the Nobel Prize for Literature, for a poetry that with the action of an elemental force brings alive a continents destiny and dreams. Nerudas words and politics were forever intertwined, and his activism may have led to his death. Recent forensic tests have stirred speculation that Neruda was murdered.   Early Life in Poetry Pablo Neruda is the pen name of Ricardo Eliezer Neftali Reyes y Basoalto. He was born in Parral, Chile on July 12, 1904. While he was still an infant, Nerudas mother died of tuberculosis. He grew up in the remote town of Temuco with a stepmother, a half-brother, and a half-sister. From his earliest years, Neruda experimented with language. In his teens, he began publishing poems and articles in school magazines and local newspapers. His father disapproved, so the teenager decided to publish under a pseudonym. Why Pablo Neruda? Later, he speculated that hed been inspired by Czech writer Jan Neruda. In his Memoirs, Neruda praised the poet Gabriela Mistral for helping him discover his voice as a writer. A teacher and headmistress of a girls school near Temuco, Mistral took an interest in the talented youth. She introduced Neruda to Russian literature and stirred his interest in social causes. Both Neruda and his mentor eventually became Nobel Laureates, Mistral in 1945 and Neruda twenty-six years later. After high school, Neruda moved to the capital city of Santiago and enrolled in the University of Chile. He planned to become a French teacher, as his father wished. Instead, Neruda strolled the streets in a black cape and wrote passionate, melancholy poems inspired by French symbolist literature. His father stopped sending him money, so the teenaged Neruda sold his belongings to self-publish his first book, Crepusculario (Twilight). At age 20, he completed and found a publisher for the book that would make him famous, Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada (Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair).  Rhapsodic and sorrowful, the books poems mingled adolescent thoughts of love and sex with descriptions of the Chilean wilderness. There was thirst and hunger, and you were the fruit. / There were grief and ruin, and you were the miracle, Neruda wrote in the concluding poem, A Song of Despair. Diplomat and Poet Like most Latin American countries, Chile customarily honored their poets with diplomatic posts. At age 23, Pablo Neruda became an honorary consul in Burma, now Myanmar, in Southeast Asia. Over the next decade, his assignments took him to many places, including Buenos Aires, Sri Lanka, Java, Singapore, Barcelona, and Madrid. While in South Asia, he experimented with surrealism and began writing Residencia en la tierra   (Residence on Earth). Published in 1933, this was the first of a three-volume work that described the social upheaval and human suffering Neruda witnessed during his years of diplomatic travel and social activism. Residencia was, he said in his Memoirs, a dark and gloomy but essential book within my work. The third volume in Residencia, the 1937 Espaà ±a en el corazà ³n (Spain in our Hearts), was Nerudas strident response to the atrocities of the Spanish Civil War, the rise of fascism, and the political execution of his friend, the Spanish poet Federico Garcà ­a Lorca in 1936. In the nights of Spain, Neruda wrote in the poem Tradition, through the old gardens, / tradition, covered with dead snot, / spouting pus and pestilence, strolled / with its tail in the fog, ghostly and fantastic. The political leanings expressed in Espaà ±a en el corazà ³n cost Neruda his consular post in Madrid, Spain. He moved to Paris, founded a literary magazine, and helped the refugees who glutted the road out of Spain. After a stint as Consul-General in Mexico City, the poet returned to Chile. He joined the Communist Party, and, in 1945, was elected to the Chilean Senate. Nerudas rousing ballad Canto a Stalingrado (Song to Stalingrad) voiced a cry of love to Stalingrad. His pro-Communist poems and rhetoric stirred outrage with the Chilean President, who had renounced Communism for a more political alignment with the United States. Neruda continued to defend Joseph Stalins Soviet Union and the working class of his own homeland, but it was Nerudas scathing 1948 Yo acuso (I Accuse) speech that finally provoked the Chilean government to take action against him. Facing arrest, Neruda spent a year in hiding, and then in 1949 fled on horseback over the Andes Mountains into Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dramatic Exile The poets dramatic escape became the subject of the film Neruda (2016) by Chilean director Pablo Larraà ­n. Part history, part fantasy, the film follows a fictional Neruda as he dodges a fascist investigator and smuggles revolutionary poems to peasants who memorize passages. One part of this romantic re-imagining is true. While in hiding, Pablo Neruda completed his most ambitious project, Canto General (General Song). Composed of more than 15,000 lines, Canto General is both a sweeping history of the Western hemisphere and an ode to the common man. What were humans? Neruda asks. In what part of their unguarded conversations / in department stores and among sirens, in which of their metallic movements / did what in life is indestructible and imperishable live? Return to Chile Pablo Nerudas return to Chile in 1953 marked a transition away from political poetry- for a short time. Writing in green ink (reportedly his favorite color), Neruda composed soulful poems about love, nature, and daily life. I could live or not live; it does not matter / to be one stone more, the dark stone, / the pure stone which the river bears away, Neruda wrote in Oh Earth, Wait for Me. Nevertheless, the passionate poet remained consumed by Communism and social causes. He gave public readings and never spoke out against Stalins war crimes. Nerudas 1969 book-length poem Fin de Mundo (World’s End) includes a defiant statement against the US role in Vietnam: Why were they compelled to kill / innocents so far from home, / while the crimes pour cream / into the pockets of Chicago? / Why go so far to kill / Why go so far to die? In 1970, the Chilean Communist party nominated the poet/diplomat for president, but he withdrew from the campaign after reaching an agreement with the Marxist candidate Salvador Allende, who ultimately won the close election. Neruda, at the height of his literary career, was serving as Chiles ambassador in Paris, France, when he received the 1971 Nobel Prize for Literature. Personal Life Pablo Neruda lived a life of whats been called passionate engagement by the Los Angeles Times. For Neruda, poetry meant much more than the expression of emotion and personality, they write. It was a sacred way of being and came with duties. His was also a life of surprising contradictions. Although his poetry was musical, Neruda claimed that his ear could never recognize any but the most obvious melodies, and even then, only with difficulty.  He chronicled atrocities, yet he had a sense of fun. Neruda collected hats and liked to dress up for parties. He enjoyed cooking and wine. Enamored by the ocean, he filled his three homes in Chile with seashells, seascapes, and nautical artifacts. While many poets seek solitude to write, Neruda seemed to thrive on social interaction. His Memoirs describe friendships with famous figures like Pablo Picasso, Garcia Lorca, Gandhi, Mao Tse-tung, and Fidel Castro. Nerudas infamous love affairs were tangled and often overlapping. In 1930 the Spanish-speaking Neruda married Marà ­a Antonieta Hagenaar, an Indonesia-born Dutch woman who spoke no Spanish. Their only child, a daughter, died at age 9 from hydrocephalus. Soon after marrying Hagenaar, Neruda began an affair with Delia del Carril, a painter from Argentina, whom he eventually married. While in exile, he began a secret relationship with Matilde Urrutia, a Chilean singer with curly red hair. Urrutia became Nerudas third wife and inspired some of his most celebrated love poetry. In dedicating the 1959 Cien Sonetos de Amor (One Hundred Love Sonnets) to Urrutia, Neruda wrote, I made these sonnets out of wood; I gave them the sound of that opaque pure substance, and that is how they should reach your ears†¦Now that I have declared the foundations of my love, I surrender this century to you: wooden sonnets that rise only because you gave them life. The poems are some of his most popular- I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair, he writes in Sonnet XI; I love you as one loves certain obscure things, he writes in Sonnet XVII, secretly, between the shadow and the soul. Nerudas Death While the United States marks 9/11 as the anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks, this date has another significance in Chile. On September 11, 1973, soldiers surrounded Chiles presidential palace. Rather than surrender, President Salvador Allende shot himself. The anti-Communist coup dà ©tat, supported by the United States CIA, launched the brutal dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Pablo Neruda planned to flee to Mexico, speak out against the Pinochet regime, and publish a large body of new work. The only weapons you will find in this place are words, he told soldiers who ransacked his home and dug up his garden in Isla Negra, Chile. However, on September 23, 1973, Neruda died in a Santiago medical clinic. In her memoirs, Matilde Urrutia said his final words were, They are shooting them! They are shooting them! The poet was 69. The official diagnosis was prostate cancer, but many Chileans believed that Neruda was murdered. In October 2017, forensic tests confirmed that Neruda did not die of cancer. Further tests are underway to identify toxins found in his body. Why Is Pablo Neruda Important? I have never thought of my life as divided between poetry and politics, Pablo Neruda said when he accepted his presidential candidacy from the Chilean Communist Party. He was a prolific writer whose works ranged from sensual love poems to historical epics. Hailed as a poet for the common man, Neruda believed that poetry should capture the human condition. In his essay  Toward an Impure Poetry, he equates the imperfect human condition with poetry, impure as the clothing we wear, or our bodies, soup-stained, soiled with our shameful behaviour, our wrinkles and vigils and dreams, observations and prophecies, declarations of loathing and love, idylls and beasts, the shocks of encounter, political loyalties, denials and doubts, affirmations and taxes. What kind of poetry should we seek? Verse that is steeped in sweat and in smoke, smelling of the lilies and urine. Neruda won many awards, including an International Peace Prize (1950), a Stalin Peace Prize (1953), a Lenin Peace Prize (1953), and a Nobel Prize for Literature (1971). However, some critics have attacked Neruda for his Stalinist rhetoric and his unrestrained, often militant, writings. He was called a bourgeois imperialist and a great bad poet. In their announcement, the Nobel committee said theyd given the award to a contentious author who is not only debated but for many is also debatable. In his book The Western Canon, literary critic Harold Bloom named Neruda one of the most significant writers in Western culture, placing him alongside literary giants like Shakespeare, Tolstoy, and Virginia Woolf. All paths lead to the same goal, Neruda declared in his Nobel Lecture: to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song.... Recommended Reading Neruda wrote in Spanish, and English translations of his work are hotly debated. Some translations aspire for literal meaning while others strive to capture nuances. Thirty-six translators, including Martin Espada, Jane Hirshfield, W. S. Merwin, and Mark Strand, contributed to The Poetry of Pablo Neruda compiled by literary critic Ilan Stavans. The volume has 600 poems representing the scope of Nerudas career, along with notes on the poets life and critical commentary. Several poems are presented in both Spanish and English. The Poetry of Pablo Neruda edited by Ilan Stavans, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005Listen to Neruda read Las Alturas de Machu Picchu from Canto GeneralHow the Library of Congress Helped Get Pablo Nerudas Poetry Translated into English by Peter Armenti, LOC July 31, 2015Canto General, 50th Anniversary Edition, by Pablo Neruda (trans. Jack Schmitt), University of California Press, 2000Worlds End (English and Spanish Edition) by Pablo Neruda (trans. William ODaly), Copper Canyon Press; 2009Pablo Neruda: A Passion for Life by Adam Feinstein, 2004Memoirs by Pablo Neruda (trans. Hardie St. Martin), 2001The poets own reflections on his life, from student years to the coup dà ©tat dà ©tat that toppled Chiles government just days before Nerudas death.The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages by Harold BloomMy Life with Pablo Neruda (Mi vida junto a Pablo Neruda) by Matilde Urrutia (trans. Alexandria Giardino), 2004Pablo Nerudas widow reveals details about the poet in her memoir. Al though not lyrically written, the book became a best-seller in Chile. For ages 6 to 9, Pablo Neruda: Poet of the People by Monica Brown (illus. Julie Paschkis), Holt, 2011 Sources: Memoirs by Pablo Neruda (trans. Hardie St. Martin), Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001; The Nobel Prize in Literature 1971 at; Biography of Pablo Neruda, The Chile Cultural Society; Worlds End by Pablo Neruda by Richard Rayner, Los Angeles Times, March 29, 2009; How did Chilean poet Pablo Neruda die? Experts open new probe, Associated Press, Miami Herald, February 24, 2016; Pablo Neruda Nobel Lecture Towards the Splendid City at [accessed March 5, 2017]

Sunday, October 20, 2019

For Free and Other Pleonastic Expressions

For Free and Other Pleonastic Expressions For Free and Other Pleonastic Expressions For Free and Other Pleonastic Expressions By Maeve Maddox pleonasm: The use of more words in a sentence or clause than are necessary to express the meaning Pleonastic expressions are common in conversation. We all use turns of phrase in which we repeat ourselves: â€Å"the books were few in number,† â€Å"We made advance dinner reservations,† â€Å"I know with positive certainty.† few: adjective. amounting to a small number. reservation: noun. an act of engaging a seat, room, place, ticket, vehicle, etc., in advance; positive: adjective. expressed without qualification; certain. In casual conversation, speakers may be forgiven these verbal tics, but advertisers and journalists can be expected to aim to minimize redundancy in their copy. Here are some examples from the web: Twenty-One Cool Products And Services You Can Get For Free â€Å"An unexpected surprise† (very popular headline for hotel reviews) The Borden twist is that Borden and Fallon are a pair of identical twins who take turns as each persona. Las Vegas has its share of annoying pests. Future prospects remain bright for agricultural graduates Do you want to give your child everything he needs to succeed as a baseball player? Good! Teach them the basic fundamentals when they are small. What is the current consensus of opinion concerning the relationship of REM sleep to emotional stability? Poorer soils are usually paler brown in color the green color shows a few raindrops, but the red color indicates very intense rain. County Schools Report Card Scores Show Good Improvement for free: If something is â€Å"free,† it is â€Å"given out of generosity and not in return for something else.† The formation â€Å"for free† has probably developed by analogy with â€Å"for nothing,† One can get â€Å"something for nothing,† A â€Å"free gift† is also pleonastic; the most common meaning of gift is â€Å"something given without charge,† i.e., â€Å"free.† It is enough for advertisers to announce that something is available free: â€Å"Buy a computer and get a printer free.† unexpected surprise: a surprise is an unexpected occurrence or event. pair of identical twins: Two children or young brought forth at one birth are twins. A pair is â€Å"a couple; a set of two.† It’s enough to say that the men are â€Å"identical twins.† annoying pests: In the figurative sense, a pest is â€Å"an annoying person or thing.† future prospects: The word prospects in this context refers to future occasions or events. basic fundamental: Fundamental means â€Å"serving as the foundation or base on which something is built.† The adjective basic means â€Å"Of, pertaining to, or forming a base; fundamental.† consensus of opinion: The word consensus is enough. It means â€Å"Agreement in opinion.† brown in color, green color, red color: A color is a hue or tint. Brown, green, and red are colors. It is rarely necessary to say so when describing a weather map or other depiction in color. It’s enough to say, â€Å"The red indicates intense rain.† good improvement: The word improvement includes the idea of â€Å"good.† There’s no such thing as â€Å"bad improvement.† The word can be modified in terms of degree. For example, â€Å"slight improvement,† and â€Å"minor improvement.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire YouUsing the Active Voice to Strengthen Your WritingMood vs. Tense

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Critically discuss how childhood and youth research builds on a series Essay

Critically discuss how childhood and youth research builds on a series of values, beliefs and images about children and young people. Suggested approach - Essay Example The aim of participation is to ensure good outcomes for children and young people themselves, community and organization. The involvement of children and young people is likely to be important to them if they can identify that their views have a consideration and have made a difference. Effective participation means that the involvement of young people and children leads to change (Bucknall 2014). Researches that involve children and young people bring up ethical concerns that involve: Researchers need to respect the developing nature of young people and children to be involved in deciding whether to participate in research. Their level of maturity has an effect on whether his/her consent is important or enough to authorize participation (Cooper 2014). iii. Young people who are developing- They are able to understand some relevant information, but they remain vulnerable. There must be consent of these young people which may not be sufficient to authorize research. Research on children and young people reveal make things concerning this group of people. Scientists, scholars and researchers have carried out investigations on young people and came up with various conclusions. Investigating the sexual behaviors of the young people is a very interesting adventure. There is a common belief that young people are very active sexually. In their adolescence stage of life, young people normally experience various biological changes that may confuse them. Irrespective of geographical location, children and young people experience biological changes that affect their physical appearance. The question in the mind of researchers is whether a person’s environment affects their sexual behaviors. In order to solve this question, research must be done. Young people who live in urban places are exposed to many things in life. The urban environment tends to provoke the young people to

Personality Tests Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personality Tests - Assignment Example feel the same every time I am in the company of others, but it is true to a large extent and that is the reason my score is above average for this particular trait. I am an energetic individual and have high ambitions that I share with others. The score for my test for this particular factor is also above average which shows that I like to interact with people and share my thoughts and feelings. I think the result is quite right because it truly reflects my cooperative and friendly nature. I like to help others out in every situation I can and want to bring happiness on their faces as much as I can. Along with this, I also want to keep my image extremely good in the minds of others. The score for my test fort this particular factor is below average which shows that I do not focus on the ways to achieve my goals. I was really surprised to get this score for this factor as I am an ambitious and energetic individual who always tries to achieve things using the best approach. However, I do show some carelessness at times because of which I feel it hard to achieve all of my goals. This may be the reason why my score came low on this test. The score for my test fort this particular factor is above average which shows that I get stressed because of my emotions and feelings. I set high expectations got different things and when I do not get the response that I expect, I easily get stressed as a result. I am much prone to the feelings of stress and anxiety because I experience negative thoughts at times. I think my score is high on this factor also because I think on the negative perspectives more than the positive ones. The score for my test fort this particular factor is average which shows that I am half interested in arts and culture and related activities. I think this is true because I have not ever taken much interest in cultural activities. I am interested more in doings things practically instead of looking things in artworks and going in the world of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case #5 AP Courses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case #5 AP Courses - Essay Example The scale of marking is quite simple. Each exam would be marked out of 5 with 3 being the lowest to crawl into some universities and a score of 4 or 5 being acceptable to the majority. With me being the leader and school counselor, and the one to make or break their 'dreams', the whole responsibility rests on my shoulders. To start off, the first question which would pop into my head would be: 'exactly how much did these students score' Since the most common score of acceptance is 4 out of 5, it's a necessary question to know how that by how much they are lagging behind. It is also the reason that I will assume here that my institution accepts a 4 out of 5 score for passing. Now, the most important fact to take into consideration is this; these students have consistently been on the honor roll throughout their academic careers. This proves that they are hard working and dedicated students keen upon learning. This also makes the case tilt towards their side of the argument because I should not make a decision which will seem unfair to them, in which case there might be serious consequences like they might get highly de-motivated and stop studying altogether.

Webmonkey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Webmonkey - Essay Example The reason for the involvement of General Managers may be summarized as follows: Initiatives by IT managers become advantageous for the company when general managers show their participation for facilitating business processes, global expansion and initiation of new business ventures. The overall nature of business ventures has been changed with the advent of IT. â€Å"The IT and its costs are starting to make integral part of enterprise day by day.† (Balloni, 2010) Business environments have now become socio technical environments with the inclusion of IT in their domain. The usability of information is highly dependent upon how the information is managed. The collection, distribution and timely usage of information results in substantial usage and also enhances usability. Websites are often the key input arenas for businesses. Their usability is essential for businesses to enhance their customer retention. For a website to be managed properly it is essential that its architecture is structured properly. The structuring and management of a website is often referred to as information management. The structuring of information architecture cannot be completed unless essential correspondence is maintained by the business itself. Initiating with setting up of goals for the website and the scope and requirement of the organization, the audiences of the proposed web portal are assessed. It is extremely integral that the information required by audiences in incorporated within the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Intercultural Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intercultural Communications - Essay Example This study operated on two essential aspects of international and non-international friendships of students. The scores based on intercultural attitudes and multicultural personality characteristics. The irony of the study regards the fact that students who had international friendships had low scores of intercultural interaction conception. It is vital to note that the study had a limited number of varieties to participants. This regards the fact that USA is an extensive area of varieties of cultural attitudes. For instance, there are schools that are located in rural areas. They differ from those that are located in town areas. The research group should have noted this and integrate varied data from different cultural scenarios. There are considerable and varied reactions to international students. For comprehensive information about cross-cultural interactions, research needs different contexts of intercultural friendships (Williams and Johnson 43). This is essential in eliminatin g barriers to comprehensive results. However, the research had a unique articulation. This regarded the fact that it based its theme on host attitudes, to international friendships. This was different from the familiar perspective of researching on international students, perceptions of their social scenarios. ... There were three hypotheses that based on this. To begin with, students, who had no international friendships, would have low emotional and cultural empathy. In addition, they would have low scores on open-mindedness and flexibility. Additionally, US students with no international friendships would have high scores on racism and related concepts of intolerance and emotional instability. Lastly, students, who had international friendships, would highly score on intercultural experiences and activities. The first hypothesis was the same to the result that stated of international friendships. It stated that students, who had international friendships, scored highly on open-mindedness. It is vital to note that the concept, of open-mindedness, is crucial for cross-cultural interactions. This is consistent with previous findings that state the same. In this sense, individuals, who are open-minded, have less inclination towards withdrawing themselves from other ethnic groups. The scores, of open-mindedness, are core elements of determining prejudice and intolerance. In this sense, highly open-minded individuals would have greater experience in inter-cultural communication and general interaction. As regards level of apprehension in communication, the results confirmed the second hypothesis. In this sense, students, who had international friendships, reported low apprehension in multi-cultural scenarios. This means that such students had low anxiety in cross-cultural scenarios because they had more experiences in the same. These findings are in line with the AUM theory that states of the same. It states that anxiety and apprehension

Is Justice Scalia Wise Enough in His Supreme Court Rulings Research Paper

Is Justice Scalia Wise Enough in His Supreme Court Rulings - Research Paper Example The jurist is a fervent champion of the authority of the executive arm of government; he believes that the original ideology of the authors of the American constitution was to establish and protect a powerful presidency to ensure stability of the nation. In his rulings the judge rejects double standards in the application of the law such as policies aimed to empower minority groups. Talbot (43) avers that Scalia often files separate minority verdicts in which he criticizes the majority decision. This paper explores the philosophies of Justice Scalia as evident in some of the Supreme Court rulings he has made on discrimination and criminal procedure. Justice Scalia is widely described as a conservative figure on the bench, implying that he offers the Constitutional interpretation in letter and spirit of its key architects of the eighteenth century (Bramwell 370-375). In his rulings, the justice captures the philosophies that inspired the Amendment to the Constitution. Scalia believes various constitutional changes to the US laws should be interpreted with respect to their essence at the period of amendment. Nevertheless, the justice is at pains to explain his judicial approach relative to the verdict of Brown v. Board of Education of 1954, which declared segregated learning facilities illegal. The ruling also cited the Fourteenth Amendment, which the justice interprets otherwise, as a deciding factor in the case. The enactment of the Amendment contradicts Scalia’s observations as it allowed corporations some rights under the constitution (Niose 16-21). It is arguable that the architects of the Fourteenth Amendment wanted to enhance school segregation. Scalia however, says he would have rejected school segregation in America, an opinion which is driven by the need for a real united America. According to Scalia and Ring, the justice enthusiastically rejects the notion of an evolving society guided by an â€Å"adjusting† set of laws (9-11). Scaliaâ₠¬â„¢s ideology implies that it is beyond the mandate of the court to adapt the constitutional interpretation. The justice sounds an alarm that if Americans accepted the fact that constitutionalism should be modified to suit an evolving society, the dangers of evaluating changing standards may be tantamount to believing that the evolution has boiled down into one's personal opinion. Nevertheless, by comparing the Constitution with original statutes, which should be bequeathed future generations in its letter and spirit, the philosophies advanced by the justice may fail to enable the modern American society to manage new cultural trends, some of which may be good and promote peace and stability in the world (Lakin 47). Additionally, due to the fact that laws are crafted to serve justice, the evolution of the values of the American society may turn the people into â€Å"slaves† of their forefathers’ ideologies if Scalia’s philosophies are anything to go by. Plainti ff has an upper hand Scalia’s philosophy on criminal procedures is largely in favor of the plaintiff. For instance, he rejected the Court's landmark ruling in Miranda v. Arizona, which offered guidelines on the treatment of criminal suspects. The ruling held that a testimony by a suspect in police custody who is ignorant of his rights was unconstitutional. Scalia’s verdict to judicially review Miranda in the Dickerson v. United States case of 2000 hit a snag, when he found himself in the minority,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Intercultural Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intercultural Communications - Essay Example This study operated on two essential aspects of international and non-international friendships of students. The scores based on intercultural attitudes and multicultural personality characteristics. The irony of the study regards the fact that students who had international friendships had low scores of intercultural interaction conception. It is vital to note that the study had a limited number of varieties to participants. This regards the fact that USA is an extensive area of varieties of cultural attitudes. For instance, there are schools that are located in rural areas. They differ from those that are located in town areas. The research group should have noted this and integrate varied data from different cultural scenarios. There are considerable and varied reactions to international students. For comprehensive information about cross-cultural interactions, research needs different contexts of intercultural friendships (Williams and Johnson 43). This is essential in eliminatin g barriers to comprehensive results. However, the research had a unique articulation. This regarded the fact that it based its theme on host attitudes, to international friendships. This was different from the familiar perspective of researching on international students, perceptions of their social scenarios. ... There were three hypotheses that based on this. To begin with, students, who had no international friendships, would have low emotional and cultural empathy. In addition, they would have low scores on open-mindedness and flexibility. Additionally, US students with no international friendships would have high scores on racism and related concepts of intolerance and emotional instability. Lastly, students, who had international friendships, would highly score on intercultural experiences and activities. The first hypothesis was the same to the result that stated of international friendships. It stated that students, who had international friendships, scored highly on open-mindedness. It is vital to note that the concept, of open-mindedness, is crucial for cross-cultural interactions. This is consistent with previous findings that state the same. In this sense, individuals, who are open-minded, have less inclination towards withdrawing themselves from other ethnic groups. The scores, of open-mindedness, are core elements of determining prejudice and intolerance. In this sense, highly open-minded individuals would have greater experience in inter-cultural communication and general interaction. As regards level of apprehension in communication, the results confirmed the second hypothesis. In this sense, students, who had international friendships, reported low apprehension in multi-cultural scenarios. This means that such students had low anxiety in cross-cultural scenarios because they had more experiences in the same. These findings are in line with the AUM theory that states of the same. It states that anxiety and apprehension

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analysis the artwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis the artwork - Essay Example It is from the Neo-Assyrian era made around the eighth century B.C. from the Assyrian culture, created by an unknown artist. Its accession number is 60.145.11 and the credit line is Rogers Fund, 1960. The artwork stands 13.5 centimeters tall (Metropolitan Museum of Art). As mentioned earlier, the artwork as an example shows its relationship to the artist’s time and culture. The color, lines, shape and volume may as well give the meaning of the artwork as the composition, form and content do. The Assyrian sculpture is made of ivory which has been widely used during the time of its creation. Such use of the material shows the influence of Egyptian culture to Phoenician art. Moreover, the themes of the artworks also reflect the same influence ( With the age of the sculpture, cracks and chips are seen all over it but one can just notice the quality of the material that lasted for millenniums with some of the parts still looking seemingly new, having the usual shiny and smooth surface typical of ivories. As formerly mentioned, ivory was used because of the influence of Egyptian culture to Phoenicia but perhaps also because of its availability and its tendency to last for years. In addition, the beauty that ivory holds is already a reason in itself for it to be used in the piece of art. Furthermore, the color of the sculpture speaks of its age. Most of the parts are faded while those which retained the color of the ivory are a bit darkened perhaps due to exposure to different seasons. The artwork in itself speaks of its early origins, having the customary characteristics of early artworks which do not show the meticulous and detailed general form of modern arts. Instead, the sculpture is roughly molded showing a big head which is not quite proportionate to the body and the faces which do not show fine details. In addition, the body of the tribute bearer and his gifts projected in the sculpture are slender, which is claimed to be Phoenician style ( On the other hand, the other parts of the artwork have finer details which also give away the influence of culture to the artwork. For instance, the hair is obviously not natural because it looks curly, almost similar to the headdress of ancient English people. Moreover, the wrap around skirt is designed with intricate details that reflect Egyptian influence which is mostly observed in their respective artworks. The way the man is dressed shows his position, seen among common Egyptians in contrast to the other cultures where the upper body is also covered. The necklace the man is wearing also shows the use of ornaments of the early generations which is also reflective of Egyptian practice. Lastly, the use of sandals similar to what is used by the Egyptians clearly suggests a close relationship of Phoenicia to the renowned Egypt. The artwork is a reflection of the importance of giving gifts in the Phoenician culture. The man is perhaps sent to the leader of the stat e with the gifts as it was customary in the old times when visiting a leader. It could also be a personal decision for the tribute bearer to bring the gift to the receiver to ask for favors. This practice is widely known and practiced in early generations as often reflected in written literature and films set on such early times. Gifts then could be in the form of fruits, root crops and other foods, jewelries, clothes or animals such as the ones

Monday, October 14, 2019

Look at the role of the manager in motivating staff in the care setting that I work for, which is a residential childrens home Essay Example for Free

Look at the role of the manager in motivating staff in the care setting that I work for, which is a residential childrens home Essay This essay will look at the role of the manager in motivating staff in the care setting that I work for, which is a residential childrens home. It will look at different methods of motivation that the manager can use and also the way the manager uses it. The way that they use it will depend on the type of manager they are as they could be either a theory x or y type, as defined by D Mcgregor 1960. For the purpose of this essay we will look at the line managers as they have most contact with staff. In order to run an effective home the manager needs to not only ensure that they have a sound structure in place to deal with the day to day running of the home but to also ensure that the staff are motivated to do the job. In respect of the day to day running of the home there will be set procedures in place, that will have to be adhered to by all of the residential homes within RCT in regards to budgets, the manner in which children are admitted, contact with other agencies and so on. Within the home there will be an officer in charge and then seniors. The seniors are your line managers and have the most contact with staff it is their responsibility to ensure that staff are happy in their work and to ensure that there are no problems. The officer in charge will be responsible overall for staff along with the rest of the procedures mentioned earlier. The way that the manager motivates their staff will vary depending on the type of manager in a particular home. If you have a line manager who is a theory x manager this can have an effect on staff as they may not feel able to talk to the manager about things and discussing things is vital in this particular job, as being able to talk about things that affect the children and yourself within the environment you work contributes enormously to the happiness of the children. And the ultimate aim in the home is to provide a stable home for the children. A theory X manager will believe that as individuals you need to be told what to do. This does not then allow for confidence within yourself in regards to your development within the job to develop, as you will worry about what they will think about your work .It would also result in you needing to check everything through with them before you make a decision. This can have long reaching affects as the manager is not always available and as staff you have to make daily decisions in regards to the children and their welfare. On the other hand a theory Y manager will believe that as individuals and as staff that you are capable of making decision for yourself this can lead to them passing on more responsibility to the staff for various tasks within the home. This is something that is dome successfully in beddau with staff having taken responsibility for a number of different things such as doing the weekly menu, ensuring that the training file is up to date, ensuring that the accident, missper and sanction books are updated regularly these along with a number of other tasks done by the staff singularly might not look much but as a whole they contribute greatly to the homes effectiveness. This also show staff that their capabilities are noted it also allows for staff development as you are gaining experience in a number of different aspects of the work done at the home which in itself is good for motivation. This is supported by Fredrick Hertzberg who says if you want someone to do a good job, then give then a good job to do it does not matter the size of the job but that the staff feel appreciated and valued and that you have belief in their abilities. Although financial and physical resources play a big part in the running of a home the greatest contribution is made by the human resources, i.e. staff this includes all members from the domestic to the officer in charge. If the staff are de-motivated for whatever reason then this has an effect on the smooth running of the home. The human relations school of management 1960/70s support this as they say that workers take along with then a number of different things, ideas, knowledge, intelligence, experience, skills humour, expectations and beliefs. In order for these to be utilized effectively then the manager has to be aware of staffs strengths as well as their weaknesses. This can be achieved through supervision. If supervision is used correctly it can be a good motivator for staff. If done incorrectly it can result in further de-motivation. The way in which it is done will again depend on the type of manager. Supervision in itself is not a motivator but a hygiene factor get it right and it will stop your staff becoming ill. I.e. de- motivated. Get it wrong then you have problems as staff will become de-motivated which will result in then doing things wrong or not at all and this will have a detrimental effect on the home. Other hygiene factors that can have an effect on staff are the working conditions salary, interpersonal relations and company policies .As with the above they will not motivate the staff but help to improve the conditions that they work in. this will then lead to their lower needs being met, as defined by A marslow, in his pyramid of needs. He says that in order for a person to reach self-fulfillment they have to meet the different needs in their life as set out in the pyramid. Within the work situation the needs will be met through a number of different way as illustrated appendix1. Steers and porter 1991 suggest that the various organizational factors illustrated can be used to satisfy the different needs. Obviously outside of the jobs the needs will be met in a different way, to a certain degree. The aim of the supervision is to get the work done well, support staff and to encourage staff development .The three strands of supervision are inter wound if you are able to help staff develop by offering then support then this will lead to better work. If one strand of the supervision is weak then the rope is weak. Which could then lead to de- motivation instead of motivation as already mentioned. A good line manager during supervision will not only point out where you are going wrong but will look at what you have achieved in relation to your job no matter how small it might be, it could be something as simple as having picked up a mistake in one of the books which if not rectified could have had an effect on the children or it might be that you have handled a situation with one of the children that resulted in then not harming themselves. A theory X manager would not tell you that you had done well in that instance, as they would say it was your job to deal with such an incident. And even though that is the case, if you just thought like that when dealing with the incident the you would not be giving your all to the job. So for a line manager not only to recognize what you have done but also to make you aware that they recognize it is a huge motivator. The second strand which is support can be met in a number of ways during supervision and on a daily basis. Support can be something that needs to be given when an incident has occurred at the home as above or when something personal is affecting your work .The member of staff receiving support must be able to trust in their supervisor as this will make it easier for them to talk about what is affecting them will then lighten the burden. This trust and also friendship to a certain degree will again depend on the type of manager you have. A good supervisor will also recognize when they are not able to support you and be able to refer you to someone who can, be that another member of staff or possibly a counselling service. The third strand of supervision is staff development. This involves looking at not only the training needed by the member of staff but also at what training they have already achieved and how best to use that to the advantage of the home. In respect of training that is needed it is important to ensure that the member of staff understands why they need that training so that they do not feel inadequate. As if they are not told appropriately why they need it they may feel that the manager thinks of them as being inadequate in a certain area rather that looking at it as a way of developing and progressing within the job. The one that comes to mind for this is NVQ training many staff look on it as something that they have to do or they will lose their job, rather than something that will not only benefit then in the job they do now, but could also lead to job progression for them. If the manager is able to recognize a member of staffs strengths due to training they have received in the past they need to capitalize on this by ensuring that the member of staff is able to use that training in the work place. It could be that they have training and an interest in a particular area which would not possibly have been an area that staff have been able to work in with the children before, such as outdoor pursuits. As before recognizing what someone is good at in its self is a motivator as is recognizing potential within that member of staff. If the manager is not able to recognize these strengths and weaknesses to a certain degree then they are not able to provide the member of staff with appropriate training to help them develop within the job. The member of staff will then start to question their abilities which in turn will have an effect on their work and motivation. In conclusion it has to be said that in order for the home to run effectively and smoothly to give the children a stable home as well as ensuring that their needs are met the staff and their needs are as important. The staff being happy at work comes down to how motivated they are if you have a staff that are well supported by the management and that they get training appropriate for them along with recognition than you will generally have a reasonably effective work force. The managers role in all of this is vital as they need to be looking at and addressing the issues around the above. How they will look at the above and deal with them will vary depending on the type of manager you have. John Harvey Jones said 1988. Management is an art not a science. Each of us approaches the problem from a different background, and each of us is dealing with a situation, and a different culture, and from a different starting point For me this statement sums it up in that different people will deal with things in different ways because of different factors. Ultimately a manager or team leader who is able to listen to and appreciate their staff will have a much more motivated team than one who does not listen to consult with or appreciate their team. As a member of such a team I believe that as a staff that we respond to situations and changes that we face better due to the way in which our team leaders deal with things like supervision, which is in the mode of theory Y management. This then creates an effective home for the children to live at some where they can call home and some where those staff are happy to be.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Basel Convention - Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal :: Politics Environment Environmental

The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal Abstract On March 22, 1989, leaders from 105 nations unanimously adopted the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal. The Basel Convention is the first international convention to control the export of hazardous and other wastes. Since the Convention celebrated its 10th anniversary in 1999, it is an appropriate time for an appraisal of how the Basel Convention has affected international trade of hazardous waste. To fully understand the Basel Convention and its ramifications, it is first critical to comprehend the damage caused by hazardous waste. Second, an analysis of the Basel Convention and its criticisms are explored. Next, an examination of the Basel Ban and its significance are presented. Then, the implications for recycling in relation to the Basel Ban are discussed. Finally, three important lessons to take from the convention are provided. "It is a grave abuse and an offence against the solidarity of humanity when industrial enterprises of rich countries profit from the weak economies and legislation of poorer countries by exporting dirty technologies and wastes which degrade the environment and health of the population." --- Pope John Paul II, October 22, 1993 On March 22, 1989, after 18 months of intense negotiations, leaders from 105 nations unanimously adopted a treaty restricting shipments and dumpings of hazardous wastes across national borders. The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal, conducted under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), is the first international convention to control the export of hazardous industrial wastes (Ruloff, 1989). A driving force behind the convention is the steady increase in international trade of hazardous waste over the past decade. There is a growing number of tempting, but environmentally questionable waste disposal contracts being offered and taken by nations (Ruloff, 1989). To combat this trend, the convention has three main objectives: to reduce transboundary movement of hazardous waste while minimizing their generation; to promote the disposal of such wastes as close as possible to their places of origin; and t o prohibit the shipment of hazardous wastes to countries lacking the legal, administrative, and technical capacity to manage them in an environmentally sound manner. Since the Convention celebrates its 10th anniversary in December 1999, it is an appropriate time for an appraisal of how the Basel Convention has effected international trade of hazardous waste.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Repression of Women Exposed in Susan Glaspells Trifles :: Trifles Essays

The Repression of Women Exposed in Trifles  Ã‚   Susan Glaspell in Trifles explores the repression of women. Since the beginning of time, women have been looked down upon by men. They have been considered â€Å"dumb† and even a form of property. Being physically and emotionally abused by men, women in the early 1900’s struggled to break the mold formed by society. Even with the pain of bearing children, raising them, doing household and even farm chores, their efforts have never been truly appreciated. Mrs. Wright was â€Å"†¦real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid—and fluttery†¦Ã¢â‚¬  as Mrs. Hale, her neighbor, describes her (22). This would all soon change after her wedding day. With Mr. Wright’s insipid character and lack of patience of any joyous sound, Mrs. Wright’s spirit dwindled to nothing. It seems she spent hours at a time focusing on her quilts, preserves, and caring for the only life there was in the house, her canary. Even when Mr. Hale offered to get a party telephone, Mr. Wright responded, â€Å"†¦folks talk too much anyway†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (5). This silence he preferred also applied to his spouse. There were no hugs given out much less a smile. He failed to give her even the most minimal sing of appreciation much less the emotional warmth she hungered for. The coldness felt in the house as the sheriff and court attorney entered the house symbolized the same coldness brought about by Mr. Wright. For the house to be cold and gloomy and everything else outside the total opposite, was much more than just coincidence. It was as if when you entered the house a cadaver, cold and clammy, had embraced you in its arms. â€Å" I don’t think a place’d be any cheerfuller for John Wright’s being in it†, Mrs. Hale told the court attorney (11). Mrs. Hale knew perfectly well what kind of personality Mr. Wright had, which is why she specified that she wished that she had gone to visit Mrs. Wright when only she was there. â€Å"There’s a great deal of work to be done on a farm†, says Mrs. Hale, yet they are seen as mere trifles because it is the women who take on these tasks. â€Å"The treatment of women in ‘Trifles’†, a web site that analyzes the demeanor of women throughout the play, states â€Å" The women are betrayed as if they are second class citizens with nothing more important to think about, except to take care of the medial household chores like cooking, cleaning, and sewing.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Cheating is beneficial for students Essay

Cheating is an easy shortcut in terms of getting homework, tests, assignments and such done in a quick way. Cheating is efficient in a lot of things in life. Cheating should not be a crime for students, especially in high school. This Argumentive Essay is basically going to be focusing on 3 topics on why Cheating is beneficial for students in high school: 1. Why students should be able to share answers and thoughts with other students for homework, tests, assignments, projects, etc. 2. Why teachers shouldn’t be allowed to accuse students of cheating based off of similar answers/thoughts 3. Much less stressful for students in high school that have other important things to do in their life First of all, students should have the right to share answers and thoughts with other classmates to understand why there answer was wrong or why it was right. If they don’t compare answers and understand why one answer is right and one is wrong, they will never learn. Teachers in this generation seem to expect students to do all of their work independently, but little do they know that more than 60% of students cheat while doing homework, tests, projects, etc. If teachers just mark students work wrong or right and don’t tell them why there answer is wrong, or why there answer is right, how you expect them to learn? Teachers assume if two or more students have similar answers/thoughts, they were most likely copying off of each other. It’s very unlikely, but possible to have similar answers/thoughts, so teachers shouldn’t assume and jump to the gun while giving them zero based off of their assumptions. They should find complete proof on how the students were definitely sharing answers with each other. Last but not least, cheating is highly beneficial for students that go through a lot during their teen years. Unfortunately, some teens are more focused on their love life, popularity level, and jobs more than they are on their education. None the less, if that’s there decision to do all of those things instead of getting a education, they should have the right to do so and should cheat to fly through their high school year.